Thursday, March 4, 2010

Morpho Tower = FerroFluid

It is quite amazing how the human mind works…

Creation of new invention and discovery of new species will without a doubt,

be known to the world….

Here is the perfect example of the great human minds…


Through deep knowledge and experimenting

With chemistry and physics…

We now know that ferrofluid is…

A type of slippery oil that already exist amongst us for probably thousands of generations…

It contains iron oxide particles that are attracted to strong magnets.

It attracts each other vise versa.

They steered each other into concentrated columns,

Gravity will try to pull the columns back down,

And surface tension in the oil causes each column to pull in on itself forming the sharp tips.

It is also used to cool down the overheated wires.

Whenever a magnet is near the fluid, it forms into really cool shapes.

Thus when one moves the magnet around the shape of the ferrofluid varies.

It is sort of like an art.

Not only that, it is used in many things in our everyday life…

For example,

In electrical devices, mechanical engineering,

Military, medicine, heat transfer and many more…

Its history tells us that…

Magnetic fluids, or ferrofluids, were developed in the 1960's through the

sponsorship of NASA, to address the unique requirements of moving liquid

fuel in a gravity-free outerspace environment. Recognizing the potential for

commercial applications using ferrofluids, Ferrofluidics Corporation was

founded in 1968.

Yours truly,

Gloria .R. Chee

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