Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Awesome Experience in Japan

I went to Japan under the JENESYS program in 2007 right after my SPM exams. Although it was 3 years ago, the memories are still fresh!! It was an awesome experience that i wish everyone could experience!! So basically,over 600 over students from 7 countries are involved and are all sponsored by the Japanese Government. those country involved are Malaysia, India, I
ndonesia, Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia. We tour around Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagoya and Kyoto for a week and stayed in our assigned host town for a week.
Generally Japanese are very nice,friendly and kind people. Some of their culture are different from ours like, for example, they don't hug each other when they greet, it is ok to use your left hand to give or receive and so on..
Their working ethics are also very admirable!! Punctuality is top priority to each of them, cleanliness, organized and thorough! This has been proven right before my eyes wh
en i visited the Toyota Factory in Nagoya, but sadly we weren't allowed to take pictures in the factory.
There were many other beautiful places i visited that has historical stories behind it but Im not going to elaborate in details. I'll let some of the photos speak for itself XD
(obviously Im not going to post all of the pictures I took;too many =p)


First day i arrived Wakayama Town in Tanabe where i stayed with my host family there. This was what my host father(otosan) cooked for me!! And i have to say that the food in Japan is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!

This is my room!! I was so glad
so at least I know how it really feels like!!

Tatami floor,mattress on the
floor, how Japanese can you get again?=P

Walking to school...Look at the houses,its small but very nice and neat!!

My class when I was in Tanabe

In Nagoya, outside my hotel =D, it was so peaceful and quiet..

One of the famous Buddhist Temple in Tokyo

Shirahama Coast, Wakayama, Tanabe.

In class... I was introducing myself and promoting Malaysia...=)

Left-Right:Douglas Poppe from Brazil, Richard Graham from Australia, Gesche Steinhagen from Germany and my host sister, Kristin Schreiner from USA. We were all hosted in the same town,though we were all in different programs.

The deers walks around the Castle's compound freely. Tourists are allowed to feed them and take pictures with them! They are NOT afraid of people!!They nibble your clothes just to ask for food!!

Was being crazy in Kyoto

Love how they have abundance of vending machines everywhere together with a wide variety of choice for both food and and drinks. You can even get hot western food and a can of hot peach tea for lunch!! How awesome is that??!!

Richard a.k.a The Tallest person among 600 participants who joined!!

Overall i really had a blast in Japan. Best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life so far XD There are more pictures to upload, but for now, this is it =)
Thanks so much for reading!! Have a nice day!!


Yours truly

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