Saturday, March 27, 2010

funny pictures

Rare to See!

The Best job in the world!

True Friendship!

Little Helpers!


How Swine Flu spreads from Pigs to Humans!

It's hard to be a photographer!

Worst place to stop your car!

IT Twins

what if Iraq had won the war?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Who YOU Are Makes a DIFFERENCE!!!

Here is something extraordinary I would like to share with the world =)

Most people would hide their dark and painful side and put on a smile when they are with their friends. Sometimes when the pain is too much for us to handle, we think of doing stupid and dangerous things like suicide. We are human after all; one can only handle so much. Being brought here in Malaysia, I am quite grateful for the peer pressure here is nothing compared to America. You can read a lot about teenager’s rebellious act all over the news nowadays. Why rebel? Sometimes when they don’t get enough attention from their family or friends, they would do anything it takes to get attention. Humans are made in a way that we need each other to keep ourselves alive. The world needs much love and care. Here is the perfect example of what lack of attention and love can do to a person.

So, to those reading this, WHO YOU ARE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!!! You might not know it but somewhere out there your friends and family are thinking about you!! Tell your loved ones that they make a difference in your life!!!


Yours truly,
